Points mining AutoSurf - AI Worker

After researching 10 years, we designed a rock solid Artificial Intelligence worker that helps our users to earn points from any web browser. You just have to visit the AutoSurf URL from any modern browser to start it. No need to download or set up anything, Just follow the steps below!

Security restrictions & user permissions

The following restrictions will be added to your plugin, if you cannot satisfy our user permission levels. Please contact us, if you face any error message on your plugins.

  • Basic Access Level

    You must have a registered alexamaster account without any banning. If you are locked, your plugin will not function very well. It counts fake accounts logs that are manually moderated by our members.

  • User Activity Level

    If your account or any other account which is virtually connected with your account have their own activity logs. In any case, if the system found any violation with our TOS, your plugin will stop working or will show an error.

  • IP Subnet Level

    Each IP will be bonded with our main cloud API. If any IP exceeds it request level which is dynamic, IP or Subnet will face temporary restrictions. In most cases, it will last within 24 hours.

More updates will be coming soon!

We keep updating our plugins to provide you a better experience. Please keep in touch with our developing team to get more details.